First, though, know that I don't actually believe we here in the middle-west are at as much risk as those from Hawaii or Japan, obviously. But we do eat food grown in parts of the country that were exposed to Iodine 131, Cesium 137 and other isotopes, especially through precipitation. This precipitation carries radiation down to us from the atmosphere, blown over the US by the ever-moving jet stream. The half life of Iodine is 8 days; Cesium lasts years. Do you water your garden with rainwater? Do your cows drink from a pond that has rain or snow in it from mid-March and early April? Do you buy fresh, organic produce grown in California, Washington or Mexico? Or fish from the Pacific Ocean and Alaska? Then you would do well to know about how to improve your your own body's ability to prevent radiation damage to your bones and cells, however small.
Don't believe the hype about bananas and radioactivity, or comparisons of Fukushima radiation exposure to flying in a jet. Do a little research and see who disagrees with these claims, and why. Efforts to minimize the perceived risk are enormous by governments and corporate apologists whose job it is to maintain business as usual - at the risk of the vulnerable, especially children, pregnant and lactating women, and the elderly.
The U.S. EPA is monitoring some levels of radiation. Rainwater is not universally monitored; if you live under the jet stream, as I do, the precipitation we received approximately 7-10 days after each day of explosion and venting at Fukushima was contaminated. If you do not feel alarm and action are appropriate for you after the continuing Fukushima tragedy, then feel free to walk away from the blog. If you have your own information to share, please do.
Wild Mushrooms Concentrate Radioactive Isotopes
Yes, it's true: wild mushrooms help decontaminate the soil by absorbing radiation, especially Cesium 137. Unfortunately, this means that eating them makes you more contaminated, too. Fortunately some mushrooms absorb lower amounts than others. Morels make the "low" list, thankfully. Here is the full article.
Additionally, the type of soil the mushroom grown in appears to reduce or increase the amount of cesium found in the mushroom. From the link: "In addition to the structure of the mushroom determined by the species it belongs to, the type of soil in which the mushroom has grown affects how much cesium-137 it contains. Sandy pine needle covered soils appear to promote the uptake of cesium-137 and other radionuclides in mushrooms, while fungi grown in deciduous woods and meadows typically show lower levels of nuclear contamination."
After the Chernobyl disaster, other European wild foods were found to be contaminated as well, including berries, fish, and deer.
Foods and Supplements for Radiation Exposure
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Kelp |
Foods that you can probably find easily include mineral-rich vegetables, kelp (Atlantic), sea salt, vitamin C, fermented miso and other naturally-cultured foods, garlic and onions, and potassium-rich foods.
Strontium, Cesium, Plutonium and How They Affect the Body - and some treatments
Apple pectin for cesium
Seaweed for strontium
Note: the author promises a part III, but it is not to be found at this URL.
Sea Life Contamination and Fukushima
An Interview with Arnie Gunderson
Recommended, as is just about everything from this nuclear engineer and independent analyst. He warns that the big fish will be contaminated in about 2-3 months. These swim, right? They swim far from Japan, get caught, and then are sold to consumers. The small fish are already contaminated near Japan.
Now What?
There is a LOT out there about food and radioactive nuclides. Most of it is best used as a starting point, a good idea at the beginning of practical research. If you have a source or link you think I should see, share it.
I am sick and tired of the religion of science proving the safety of toxins, proving the benevolence of colonization, proving the superiority of a dying and horrifying culture, proving over and over how we just have to make a different choice and our lives will be right as rain again. Better reactors, not no reactors. Better power plants, not the end of centralized power grids. Better GMOs, not the end of GM crops. Better technology, not the end of toxic mining at the expense of the relatively powerless from whom it is stolen and sold at a profit. Better regulation, better voting, better judges, better schools, better cars, better bodies, better brains, better houses, etc. etc. It's not really about choices, is it? Was it ever?

This isn't going away any time soon. I am more inclined to believe that with all the old reactors in the US and Europe, and the propensity of the Earth to do things people in positions of authority won't believe, we could face future disasters of a scope unimaginable - again. As far as I'm concerned, it is way past time for a joyful disruption. Of Everything. And by any means at your disposal. Be careful, be joyful, support disruption. Grow food, share it with your neighbors. Stop supporting politicians and their death-policies. Support your neighbors, your community, buy and use local. Use less electricity. Buy less plastic. Do whatever you can, but start it now.
Me, I'm going to go eat some popcorn and think about dinner. May our lives always be so benign.
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