
The Messenger of Water

Another video update posted by Arnie Gunderson today. This one is a real bummer, I'm afraid. The radioactive contamination is worse than Chernobyl in some places around the Fukushima reactors. Worse. And it's in the ocean, too.

I have been so sad for the ocean; now I am simply humbled. There is a guy from Japan who has done research about how water reacts when confronted with various emotions from people. Seriously. This guy, Dr. Masaru Emoto, seems radically bent on convincing us that our feelings (affect) matter. The short summary is that water reacts negatively when we express mean or angry feelings, and it chills out when we are happy or thankful. He suggests that there is indeed connection between living beings (us) and our environment. And then he has the nerve to suggest we should apologize to the water around Fukushima nuclear reactors for causing it to suffer, because this kind of thing has power when enough people do it. Can you believe the conviction of some people?

I do. Even if you think he is a complete nut, and all the people praying to the waters of Japan for forgiveness for causing such suffering to the water, and that measuring water's reaction to emotional changes is not the same as showing causation when changes happen, I challenge you to deny that we are mostly water. Are we not living beings of ocean and salt? In admitting connection, can we not heal, as well? Besides, if you don't believe in god, and you don't believe in or pray to spirits or other deities, it is still important to allow and support the living connections between ourselves and everything around us. This connection underscores real efforts to keep our bodies, and the bodies of all living things around us, resilient in the face of contamination and pollution. It may also help prevent further contamination by our  reckless industrialization and encourage connections in other ways.

Despite the superficial kookiness of this idea, I find it a better challenge to believe he is on to something important. Because if thoughts and feelings affect water, how different are the effects of actual pollution? I encourage you to look up some of his work and share your comments here.


Anonymous said...

The funny thing is, particle physics has proven via actual physical experiments that two quantum particles that are not connected or related in any way, including line of site, can affect each other. What this means is that, let's say by thinking about something, the particles that make up the atoms in your brain will affect particles that make up the atoms of something else.

This could begin to explain things like how homeopathy works and the water research on emotions affecting water.


randy said...

preach it. i am with you