
What is your "it"?

It appears to me that this is the perfect time to really amplify everyone's strategies for real social change - you know, the things we think are the right actions to make this earth a better, more sustainable place for living things and our descendants. And I'm not just talking protests, Honey. I'm talking everything: the whole ugly package of loving action, however you define it. I'm talking massive or tiny nonviolent protests; national and international boycotts and embargoes; disruptions of all kinds; passionate writing and speaking truth to power; unpopular opinions; nurturing each other; working with your neighbors to grow food for your communities; producing as much as we can by ourselves and/or cooperatively; consensus decision-making; driving less, biking more; loving the earth, body of our mother; sharing your rapture and the ecstasies of joy; music, poetry, manifestos; radical actions; secret radical actions; things I don't want to know about but that are necessary anyway. Really.

Now is the time people. We need to do it, whatever your "it" is.

The pressure of movement is upon us. In the destruction, who are we to argue?


randy said...

sadly I think we are beyond change and rapidly moving into survival mode

Kim said...

I'm beginning to feel the same way about change. The real change coming, imo, is how we will become - how our connections to each other and our land bases will change. How sad we may yet find this after we've already destroyed so much.

Having said that, I still think it's important to do whatever it is that makes you whole, whatever it is that buoys you up. For many, actions (music, art, love, war) are just that course.