
Things to Read, Things to Eat

It appears that the nuclear dream has become a raging catastrophe. On this link, on the Green Mountain Daily page, now a couple days old, you'll find dire warnings. In the comments, though, you'll find a brilliantly angry commenter advocating putting out the reactor fires with the bodies of all the officials and scientists who have advocated so hard for nuclear power and who also have relentlessly belittled the information from anti-nuclear activists. You really should take a minute and read it. I laughed hard enough to make me feel better for a little while.

And after you're done there, you should probably check out this NYT web page with a simple, level-of-radiation-free projection of the air currents and radioactive plume that could be coming out of Japan right now. The plume could hit produce-growing areas of California tomorrow afternoon, if accurate. But don't worry. Trustworthy Officials say we're in no danger. I sure am comforted, aren't you? Mr. NRC Director's words: “I don’t want to speculate on various scenarios,” he replied. “But based on the design and the distances involved, it is very unlikely that there would be any harmful impacts.” 

Another article mentioned Cesium 137 as the most pressing danger from the meltdown of Number 4. A 30-year half-life.

I'm pretty sure the web of lies is huge from both Japan and the US. I trust no one in any position of power with this important information. I highly recommend following this story on the Green Mountain Daily web site, and the Beyond Nuclear web site. 

Things we are doing to minimize our concern for our family's health and food safety in the light of this exponentially horrifying tragedy in Japan:
1. Weeping occasionally
2. Making sure we have potassium iodide on hand
3. Eating more fermented soy: miso, tempeh, tamari
4. Increasing our Omega fatty acid and green tea consumption
5. Not buying fresh produce or food from California or Washington for a long time; especially no dairy products.
6. Sharing important links with everyone we know
7. Thanking every god that we live far inland
8. Hoping for the best while continuing to make sure our nutritional needs are met and exceeded. Not always easy to do with little money, but we're trying.
9. Drinking only very good unpasteurized alcohol. Homemade when possible. This is better for the soul.
10. Limiting refined sugar.

I've about had it with this nuclear thing. I've never understood how ANYone can support it, given that in nature there are no situations you can fully control and predict. Maybe now the billions of people around the globe will agree with me.

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